Scripted content platform knowledge base

A one-stop shop for everything you need to get started with an internal platform for creating content.

Screenshot of sample
🀝 With:
  • Developers
  • Content scripters
  • Project managers
🧰 Using:
  • Confluence
  • Mkdocs
  • Lua
  • Markdown
  • HTML & CSS
  • Git
  • Jira
🎁 For: Lockwood Publishing

We have an internal platform where folks can create content for the game. It’s made up of a bunch of components that come together to create a whole platform.

People had heard about it from company presentations, but had no idea how to get started. Knowledge of what the platform could do was limited to the devs who created it.

Existing docs were written by devs, for devs. Onboarding new folks typically involved a few Zoom calls.

I reviewed existing documentation, then created a new knowledge base for the platform. It was a one-stop shop with everything folks need to get going, including:

  • Task based guides for things like install and config.
  • Step-by-step tutorials that walk folks through creating content from scratch.
  • Code samples and snippets, so folks can copy-paste.
  • Reference guides for best practices.

Initially, I wrote in Confluence before moving to a docs-as-code workflow. I wrote in Markdown, pushing to GitHub and using Mkdocs Material to build a static site.

I used Jira to create a content plan and track progress.


  • πŸš€ Folks could get started with little to no help from the devs.
  • 🧩 Greater understanding of the platform so parts could be used in other internal tools.
  • ✨ Fed into initiatives to improve the onboarding process, highlighting the barriers to entry.
  • πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ¨ Ready to jam! With full docs, we hosted a game jam where teams created content for the game.
  • πŸ›‘οΈ Became a proper product that folks could rely on, with a full suite of learning resources and support.