My portfolio (you're here)

A home to call my own on the internet! I built this site so I can let folks know about the projects I'm working on.

A screenshot of my portfolio homepage.
🤝 With:
  • Me!
🧰 Using:
  • Git
  • Jekyll
  • HTML & CSS
  • Markdown
  • Liquid syntax
🎁 For: Me!

Lots of folks in tech know they should have a portfolio, but it’s often time-consuming or expensive to set one up.

I built this site using Jekyll and GitHub Pages. I created templates myself, using my knowledge of Liquid syntax and HTML & CSS.

To make it quick to add new projects, I created a collection called portfolio. Each portfolio item has key info in front matter, and I set the template up so it lays out that information for me. For example, tools and stakeholders are a simple list in the front matter for each project.

The workflow leans on my experience of docs-as-code. I clone a copy of the Git repo, create new Markdown files, then commit and push. Jekyll builds those Markdown files into a lovely static site using the templates that I created.

I added Vale for prose linting, helping me make sure that the language I use is consistent.

My previous portfolio was a simple HTML page that I built myself. This iteration should be easier to keep up-to-date! 🤞